{% if portal.current_tab and portal.current_tab == "home" %}
{% assign search_text = 'portal_translations.banner.search_text' | t %} {{ portal | search_element: search_text }}
{% endif %}
{%for card in portal.home_cards %} {% if card.show %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% assign solutionCards = 1 %} {% assign solutionCardsLimit = 3 %} {% if portal.has_solutions and solutionCardsLimit != 0 %}

{{ 'portal_translations.home.solutions' | t }}

{{ 'portal_translations.home.view_articles' | t }}
{% for category in portal.solution_categories %} {% if solutionCards > solutionCardsLimit %}{% break %}{% endif %} {% if category.folders_count > 0 %} {% for folder in category.folders %} {% assign solutionCards = solutionCards | plus:1 %} {% break %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% assign forumCards = 1 %} {% assign forumCardsLimit = 3 %} {% if portal.has_forums and forumCardsLimit != 0 %}

{{ 'portal_translations.home.forums' | t }}

{{ 'portal_translations.home.view_topics' | t }}
{% for category in portal.forum_categories %} {% if forumCards > forumCardsLimit %}{% break %}{% endif %} {% if category.forums_count > 0 %} {% for forum in category.forums %} {% assign forumCards = forumCards | plus:1 %} {% break %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if portal.has_solutions %} {% assign articles = portal | popular_articles:4 %} {% if articles.size > 0 %}

{{ 'portal_translations.home.popular_articles' | t }}

{% endif %} {% endif %} {% if portal.has_forums %} {% assign topics = portal.most_viewed_topics %} {% if topics.size > 0 %} {% endif %} {% endif %}