Featuring the keynote address by Major General Karl Engelbrektson, Chief of the Swedish Army, a discussion on the "Interoperable by design" approach to defence, the Swedish Armed Forces Panel, and the NATO panel discussing the opportunities and challenges for future training presented by xR.
Human Factors & Performance in a Connected Age
This track represents the core human, social, cultural and behavioural (HSCB) theme for ITEC. It considers the design of joint, interoperable military and civil exercises, whilst factoring in issues such as intercultural understanding and communication. An assessment of machine collaboration and connected educational delivery is also a key feature.
Technologies & Architectures
This track represents the core technical theme for ITEC, focusing on technical developments advancing the use of collaborative, cooperative or innovative processes. Experts discuss a range of simulation environments, with the benefits, learnings and applications of each.
Today's Challenges, Tomorrow's Needs, Emerging Solutions
How people may use innovative technology for more effective and efficient training and education is a mainstay of ITEC. What does the future of training look like? How should new media and mixed reality scenarios feature in effective military and civil first response training?